- C3830000: Plasma Hemoglobin
- B1260000: LAP Score
- B1560000: Thrombin Time(동결)
- B1711000: Lupus Anticoagulant screening
- B1712000: Lupus Anticoagulant [Confirmatory]
- B1831000: Protein C [Functional]
- B1832000: Protein C [Immunological]
- B1842000: Protein S [Immunological]
- B1691000: Factor Assay II(동결)
- B1692000: Factor Assay V(동결)
- B1693000: Factor Assay VII(동결)
- B1694000: Factor Assay VIII(동결)
- B1695000: Factor Assay IX(동결)
- B1696000: Factor Assay X(동결)
- B1697000: Factor Assay XI(동결)
- B1698000: Factor Assay XII(동결)
- B1780000: Coagulation Factor Antibody(8)
- B1781000: Coagulation Factor Antibody(9)
- B1871000: Von-Willebrand Ag
- B1872000: Von-Willebrand Factor Activity
- CX498000: Cell Culture
- GBG00011: Quadruple marker
- CZ211000: Inhibin A
- GBF00007: Fanconi anemia study (검사전 문의요망)
- C5956001: Chlamydia PCR
- C5956004: Varicella Zoster PCR
- C5952000: PCR_Parvo-B19
- C5977000: RTPCR_Hantaan
- C5956002: PCR_Malaria
- C5993000: HBV drug resistance Mutation
- CY396000: HIV Real Time PCR
- BG000001: HIV 약제유전자 내성검사 (가검물시험의뢰서)
- BG000002: [국립보건원] 뎅기열
- BG000003: [질병관리본부] 백일해
- C5956003: Pneumocystis carinii PCR
- CZ809000: BCR/ABL1 재배열검사, 정량
- C5971001: Bcr/ABL Major, 정성 (RT-PCR)
- C5972006: Bcr/ABL Minor, 정성 (RT-PCR)
- CZ817000: BCR/ABL 유전자, Imatinib 내성 돌연변이
- C5973000: PML/RARA nested RT-PCR
- C5974000: E2A/PBX1 nested RT-PCR
- C5975000: AML1/ETO nested RT-PCR
- CZ897000: ABO genotyping
- CY573000: pre BMT DNA
- CY575000: post BMT DNA
- CZ694001: FGFR3 (Achondroplasia)
- C6092000: HCV genotyping PCR-RFMP
- C5956026: SRY gene (Y-Chromosome PCR)
- CZ625000: C-KIT
- C5956020: Polyoma virus(BK,JC virus) PCR
- CY621000: Hemophilia A, Major mutation
- CY635000: DYT1 Gene Mutation
- CZ610000: MELAS major mutation
- CY630001: GSD1a, G6PC 727G>T Mutation Analysis
- CY630002: GSD1a, G6PC G122D Mutation Analysis
- CY630003: GSD1a, G6PC Y128X Mutation Analysis
- CY630004: GSD1a, G6PC P178A Mutation Analysis
- CY633000: Factor V Leiden Mutation
- CX565000: MAGE Gene Expression Analysis
- CY711000: MLH1 Mutation(HNPCC)
- CY712000: MSH2 Mutation(HNPCC)
- CY571002: RET Mutation(MEN2A)
- CY571001: RET Muta.(MEN, FMTC)
- CY571003: RET Mutation(MEN2B)
- CY713000: BRCA1
- CY714000: BRCA2
- CY531000: HD Gene Analysis (Huntington disease)
- CY532000: SBMA Gene Analysis
- CY533000: DRPLA Gene Analysis
- CY535000: SCA1 Mutation Analysis
- CY536000: SCA2 Mutation Analysis
- CY537000: SCA3 Mutation Analysis
- CY538000: SCA6 Mutation Analysis
- CY540000: SCA7 Mutation Analysis
- GBG00001: FMR1 Gene Analysis PCR & Southern Blot
- CY539001: DMPK Gene PCR
- C5980000: DMPK Gene PCR(Southern Blot)
- CX574000: Microsatellite Instability test
- CZ814000: Duchenne, DMD Gene Mutation Analysis (Multiplex PCR)
- CZ595000: VHL Gene Mutation Analysis
- CZ718000: APC Mutation Analysis (Sequencing)
- CZ620000: JuvenileParkinsonis
- CZ621000: PTPN11 Gene Analysis
- CZ613000: FBN1 Gene Mutation
- CZ614000: SLC26A4 Mutation Analysis
- CZ615000: Spastin(SPG4) Gene
- CZ609000: LHON Mutation (Sequencing)
- CZ612000: ATP7B, R778L, A874V, N1270S Mutation Analysis (Wilson Disease)
- CZ618000: CMT1B, MPZ (Sequencing)
- CZ619000: NOTCH3 Gene Mutation
- CZ644000: MODY3 mutation Analysis (Sequencing)
- CZ642000: MECP2 (RETT Syndrome)
- CZ900000: CYP2C19 Genotying
- CZ900001: CYP2C19 Geno, Major
- CZ903000: UGT1A1 Genotyping
- CZ904000: TPMT Genotyping
- CZ905001: CYP2C9 Genotyping, Major Polymorphism
- CZ832000: PW/Angelman Methylation PCR
- CZ607000: ASS Gene Mutation Analysis [Citrullinemia]
- CZ623000: GJB2 gene mutation sequencing
- CZ682000: SCN4A mutation
- CZ635000: FLT3/TKD mutation
- CZ634000: FLT3/ITD mutation
- C5992000: Thalassemia Mutation Analysis(Seq.)
- CZ656000: CACNA1S gene mutation analysis
- CZ611000: CMT-TK gene, mutation (MERRF) [sequencing]
- GBG90018: CYP2C9, VKORC1 Major Polymorphism [2종]
- CZ829000: SMN1/SMN2 gene, deletion (MLPA)
- CZ690000: SMN1 gene, mutation
- CZ658000: KCNQ1 gene, mutation
- CZ707000: NPM1 gene mutation
- GBG00012: Gene rearrangements,acute leukemia profile[RT-PCR]
- GBG00004: Acute Leukemia
- GBG00003: Chronic Leukemia/lymphoma panel
- GBG00005: T-Cell subset
- C5120010: Cell Marker Study CD3
- C5120013: Cell Marker Study CD4
- C5120022: Cell Marker Study CD8
- C5120003: Cell Marker Study CD13
- C5120025: Cell Marker Study HLA-DR
- C5120011: Cell Marker Study CD33
- C5120016: Cell Marker Study CD5
- C5120007: Cell Marker Study CD2
- C5140006: CD 34
- C5130006: Tdt
- C5120001: Cell Marker Study CD10
- C5120006: Cell Marker Study CD19
- C5120019: Cell Marker Study CD61
- C5120020: Cell Marker Study CD7
- GBH90016: Cell Maker Study [CD16 & CD56]
- GBG00006: PNH Study
- B2601000: Phosphatase [Acid]
- B2690000: Aldolase
- BZ173000: Acetylcholinesterase
- B2700000: Cholinesterase
- C4450000: Very Long chain FA
- CY341000: Pyruvic Acid
- C3860000: Blood Ketone
- CY342002: Citric Acid
- CY342003: Citric Acid Citric Acid_24(HCl)
- C2464000: Apolipoprotein E
- C2470000: Beta-Lipoprotein
- C2480000: Lipo-Protein [a]
- C2450000: Free Fatty acid(FFA)
- C2550000: Carotene
- C3891001: Total Porphyrin(정성)
- C3891000: Porphobilinogen (Qualitative)
- C3892001: Porphobilinogen(PBG)
- C3892000: Coproporphyrin
- CY343000: Hyaluronic acid
- BX182000: Oligoclonal Band
- CZ428000: MBP (Myelin basic protein)
- B3000000: Protein Electrophoresis (Serum)
- B3001000: Protein Electrophoresis (Urine)
- B3001001: Protein Electrophoresis (Body Fluid)
- B3010000: Lipoprotein Electrophoresis
- B3070000: Hemoglobin Electrophoresis
- B3050000: ALP Isoenzyme
- B3030000: LDH Isoenzyme
- B3060000: Amylase Isoenzyme
- B3040000: CPK Isoenzyme
- B3082000: Immunofixation EP(Serum)-G,A,M
- B3084000: Immunofixation electrophoresis (Urine or Body Fluid)
- C2350000: Ceruloplasmin
- C2220000: Alpha1-Antitrypsin
- C2250000: 용혈성보체검사(CH50)
- BY184000: IgG Subclass G4
- C2284000: Immunoglobulin D (IgD)
- C2215000: Prealbumin
- C7229000: IgE, total
- C2320002: MAST IgE, Food
- C2320A06: MAST IgE(Inhalant)
- CX273000: 1,5-Anhydroglucitol (1,5-AG)
- C4504010: Primidone
- C4504020: Phenobarbital
- C4504040: Ethosuximide
- C4504071: Barbiturate, Urine
- C4502080: Benzodiazepine(DAZ), urine
- C4504110: Aminophylline (Theophylline)
- C4504111: Aminophylline (Theophylline)_peak
- C4504120: Gentamycin
- C4504130: Methotrexate
- C4522610: Lithium(Li) [FP법 or ASV법)
- C4523620: Copper(Cu)
- C4527620: Copper_tissue(Cu)
- C4523622: Copper(Cu), 24hrs urine
- C4523630: Lead(Pb), Whold blood
- C4503393: Delta-Aminolevulinic Acid (δ-ALA)
- C4503392: Salicyic Acid
- C4523640: Mercury(Hg), Blood
- C4523641: Mercury(Hg), Urine
- C4503391: Acetaminophen, blood
- C4523670: Zinc (Zn)
- C4523650: Cadmium (Cd)
- C4523660: Manganese(Mn)
- CX375110: Amiodarone
- C3211000: VMA 정성
- C3213000: VMA 정량
- C3223000: 5-HIAA Quan
- B2731000: Angiotensin converting enzyme(ACE)
- C3231000: Epinephrine, blood
- C3231001: Epinephrine, 24hrs urine
- C3232000: Norepinephrine, blood
- C3232001: Norepinephrine, 24hrs urine (HCL)
- C3233000: Dopamine, 24hrs urine
- C3234000: Metanephrine(HCL)
- C3241000: 17-OHCS
- C3242000: 17-KS
- C3249000: Cortisol, 24hrs Urine
- CZ340000: Methylmalonic(MMA) 정량(HCL,차광)
- C7363000: Osteocalcin
- C3932000: C-telopeptide of collagen Type 1(CTX)
- C3620000: Pepsinogen 1(불용코드)
- C3620001: Pepsinogen 2(불용코드)
- C3930000: DPD (Deoxypyridinoline))
- C7353000: Testosterone
- CX232000: Free Testosterone
- C7324009: 5a-Dehydro-Testosterone [국외검사]
- C3280000: Pregnandiol, 24hrs urine
- C7346000: Progesterone
- C3480000: LH(Luteinizing Hormone)
- C7342000: Growth Hormone [GH]
- C7344000: Glucagon
- C7345000: Gastrin
- C3300000: Free T3
- C3310000: T3 Uptake
- C3570000: Erythropoietin
- CX230000: IGF-1
- CX231000: IGF-BP3
- CZ202000: Sex Hormone Binding Globulin [SHBG]
- CZ199000: DHEA
- C7364000: DHEA-sulfate
- C3910000: Stone analysis
- C7426000: CA-72-4
- C7427000: 2-5A
- CX732000: Free PSA
- C7429000: Prostate Acid Phosphatase [PAP]
- C7431000: Neuron Specific Enolase [NSE]
- C7432000: Tissue Polypeptide Antigen [TPA]
- BX078000: PIVKA II [정량]
- CY323000: NMP22
- C4640000: Widal test
- C5040000: Anti Parietal Cell Antibody
- C4962000: Anti-Mitochondrial Antibody
- C4972000: Anti-Smooth Muscle Antibody
- CX451000: Anti-GBM Ab
- CY448000: Anti-Jo-1 Ab
- CY444000: Anti-RNP Ab
- CY447000: Anti-Scl-70 Ab
- CY443000: Anti-Sm Ab
- CY445000: Anti-SS-A/Ro Ab
- CY446000: Anti-SS-B/La Ab
- CY449000: Anti-centromere Ab
- C4982000: APL_IgG
- C4983000: APL_IgM
- CX452000: Anti-Intrinsic Factor Ab
- C4991000: ANCA (정성)
- GBI90002: ANCA 정량 [PR3, MPO-2종검사]
- CX450000: Anti Acetylcholine receptor Ab
- BIL90001: Anti Acetycholine receptor blocking Ab [국외검사]
- C5012000: Anti-Platelet Antibody
- C5022000: Platelet associated Antibody
- CZ425000: Anti GD1b Ab IgM
- CZ261000: Anti GM1 Ab IgG
- CZ262000: Anti GM1 Ab IgM
- CZ427000: Anti MAG Ab (Anti Myelin Associated Gangliosides Ab)
- C5032000: Anti Cardiolipin Ab IgG
- C5033000: Anti Cardiolipin Ab IgM
- CY431000: HEV Antibody(IgG)
- CY432000: HEV Antibody(IgM)
- C4600001: RPR 정성, CSF(불용)
- C4601001: VDRL(Titer), CSF
- C4620000: FTA-ABS IgG
- C4620001: FTA-ABS IgM
- C4650000: Anti-H_Pylori_IgG
- C4722620: Anti_Ameba IgG [정밀] 불용
- C4722610: Toxoplasma IgG
- C4723610: Toxoplasma IgM
- C4682410: Anti_Rubella_IgG
- C4683410: Rubella IgM
- C4682460: Anti-Herpes simplex IgG
- C4683460: Anti-Herpes simplex IgM
- C4690520: Rotavirus antigen test
- C4690420: CMV antigenemia(CMV Ag)
- B4160002: Cytomegalo Virus 배양
- C4701000: Heterophil Ab
- C4683430: EBV VCA IgM
- C4682430: EBV VCA IgG
- C4683440: EBV_EA_IgM
- C4682440: EBV_EA_IgG
- C4683450: EBV_EBNA IgM
- C4682450: EBV EBNA IgG
- C4672230: Aspergillus Ab IgG
- C4682480: Anti-Meas_IgG
- C4683480: Anti-Measles IgM
- C4722611: 기생충항체검사(4종)
- C4682490: Varicella Zoster IgG
- C4683490: Varicella Zoster IgM
- C4661020: Leptospira Ab
- C4741830: O. tsutsugamushi Ab
- C4681470: Anti-Hantaan virus Ab
- C4682500: Anti-Mumps IgG
- C4683500: Anti-Mumps IgM
- B4160004: RSV_Culture
- C4682510: Adenovirus IgG
- C4683510: Adenovirus IgM
- C4683516: Adenovirus IgM (CSF)
- B4160001: Adenovirus Culture
- B4160000: Parainfluenza Culture
- CX455000: Anti LKM-1 Ab
- C5221000: PRA 선별 (Screening Class I)
- C5221001: PRA 선별 (Screening Class II)
- C5222000: PRA 동정 (ID. Class I)
- C5222001: PRA 동정 (ID. Class II)
- C5183000: HLA Typing [Class II]: DQ [Serology]
- CY916000: HLA Typing (Class I): A, B, C [DNA High Resolution]
- CY914000: HLA-DR typing(고해상도, DNA)
- B0550006: Amniotic Fluid L/S Ratio
- B0561000: Fetal Fibronectin Quantification
- B4157000: H.pylori stool Ag
- GBG00007: 대사이상뇨종합검사 1
- GBG00008: 대사이상뇨종합검사 2
- B2741000: Glucose-6-Phospho dehydrogenase (G-6-PDH)
- CY348000: Organic Acid profile [GC-MS법]
- GBG00013: Galactosemia Enzyme Assay
- GBG00010: Galactosemia Test
- GBS00003: Amino Acid Aanalysis, Blood
- GBS00004: Amino Acid Aanalysis, Urine
- GBM00019: AFB Sensitivity [RMP, INH]
- B4152000: Helicobacter Pylori [Endoscopic Test]-Culture and Identification
- B2011000: ABO subgroup
- GBG00014: SCA(spinocerebellar Ataxia)profile
- C6098000: SCA8(spinocerebellar Ataxia) Mutation Analysis
- C6097000: SCA17(spinocerebellar Ataxia)Mutation Analysis
- CZ677000: citrullinemia Type2 mutation(SLC25A13)
- C5061000: Anti-Beta2-GP I IgG
- C5062000: Anti-Beta2-GP I IgM
- B4160017: Influenza A virus culture
- B4160018: Influenza B virus culture
- CZ612003: ATP7B gene analysis
- C5956014: Chlamydia Pneumonia PCR
- CZ629000: NF1 gene,mutation
- BX088006: Von-Willebrand's Factor Multimer analysis
- CZ340001: Methylmalonic Acid (MMA) 정량 [Blood]
- C7254000: RBC Folic Acid
- BZ033000: RBC membrane
- C5994000: HIV drug resistance mutation (HIV약제내성유발 돌연변이검사)
- CZ737000: MPL gene W515K/L mutation
- CZ743000: CEBPA gene, mutation
- C4722629: Entamoeba histolytica Ab(IgG) [국외검사]
- CZ680000: GBA gene, mutation
- C4722796: Toxocariasis
- CX745000: Anti Insulin Ab
- CX446006: Islet cell Ab
- GBG90019: BCR/ABL1 재배열검사, 정성
- BZ075000: ADAMTS 13 activity
- C4682599: Parvo Virus B19 IgG (EIA법) [국외검사]
- C4683599: Parvo Virus B19 IgM (EIA법) [국외검사]
- CZ964000: Parvo Virus B19 [Real-time PCR]
- C6041006: 급성설사 원인 바이러스 선별검사 [Multiplex RT-PCR]
- C6011006: 급성설사 원인 세균 선별검사 [Multiplex PCR]
- CZ433001: Anti-Desmoglein 1 Ab
- CZ433003: Anti-Desmoglein 3 Ab
- GBI00001: Paraneoplastic Ab [3종-Hu, Ri, Yo, NMO Ab]
- CZ683000: COL3A1 유전자 돌연변이검사